Empowering leaders to be their best selves

t-three... are an organisation that doesn't just churn out a training course, they're an organisation that really tries to get under the skin of their client.

The key purpose

The aim with the Royal Borough of Greenwich's 'Inspire' programme was to take individuals that were great technical managers on a journey to becoming inspiring leaders. It gave them tools to help them become more resilient, to manage change, and to become the best they could possibly be at work. This was achieved by designing the programme around the obstacles this population were facing during a period of rapid change.

Truth-Teller provided an opportunity for participants to receive non-anonymous feedback which they could use to inform their behaviour change, and in this case it was delivered at the start and end of the programme, so that each individuals' progress could be easily measured. Facet5 gave programme participants an opportunity to heighten their self-awareness, and to recognise their natural preferences and embrace those strengths. It also provided a tangible way to explore where personalities within teams differed, and to manage those differences through a shared language.


The Results

At the end of the programme, 100% of participants agreed that the Truth-Teller and Facet5 tools were either 'Excellent' or 'Good Value' for them. When measured across four modules, on average 92.5% agreed that they would be doing things differently in their roles as a result. One participant even said "This is game-changing for me as a senior female leader."

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Transforming leaders and their teams.


Developing a consistent approach to management.


Award winning development programmes.


Delivering transformation through exceptional customer service.


An innovative leadership programme centred around feedback.


A proven case for experiential learning - delivered virtually.


Overcoming differences in management styles and attitudes.


Provoking people to fulfil their potential.


Delivering feedback to senior leadership teams.

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