A British Car Manufacturer

Team Development Programme

Delivering team immersion intervention

We were excited to be asked by an iconic British sports car brand to develop a team immersion intervention. The development of their new sports car had been operational for nearly a year and had required several functional teams to come together over an intensive 9 month period to work on the design, development and launch of the car.

Our objectives

We worked closely with the manufacturer to really understand their people, processes and their overall business objectives. To develop their teams, create a more immersive environment and build a stronger platform for collaboration, we identified some important objectives.

The objectives of the team immersion day were:

  • To successfully begin the process of building greater connectivity between team members.
  • To help individuals understand their own work style and preferences, as well as their colleagues’

Our solution

The day was designed to feel fast-paced and high-level to ensure maximum engagement from participants, It also aligned teams with the challenges they would be facing in the future.

We invited everyone to try our tools and techniques, opening up discussions that included:

  • How to maximise individual contributions to the immediate and the collective team
  • How to manage stress points.
  • Identifying for individual teams and the project group as a whole how best to work together.
  • The vital behaviours that were critical to support high performance.