
Introducing Leadership Sprints

An introduction to our new product, Leadership Sprints, aimed at developing leaders' skills and behaviour within their organisations.

More than ever before, leaders are facing unprecedented levels of change, and are being expected to cope with a complex and varying array of new challenges ahead.

All of this is set against the backdrop of what McKinsey are calling ‘The toughest leadership test’ – COVID-19 and it’s effect on our workplaces.

To help your leaders combat all of the above in an efficient and cost-effective way, we have developed our new ‘Leadership Sprints.’ Backed by our proven Provoke, Plant, Practice methodology, this new sprint cycle allows leaders to learn and apply practical and relevant leadership tools to the challenges they are facing everyday. Each sprint cycle incorporates all of the ways that we learn and sustain new behaviours:

1. Learning is delivered in a way that reflects the reality of leading within your organisation

2. Key information is delivered without too much content - avoiding cognitive overload for your already time strapped leaders

3. Creating an environment where targeted skills and behaviours can be acquired, practiced and perfected within a live workplace setting

Perhaps most important is the fact that Leadership Sprints increases the confidence and capability of your leaders by allowing them to share experiences and learn from each other.

For more information, take a look at the video below...



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