Facet5 Accreditations

Our accreditation programmes

What are the main features?

Delivered by a Facet5 trainer, the accreditation is structured around modules and delivered over a number of online sessions that have been structured to stimulate curiosity and maximise learning.

We'll take you on a journey of all things 'Facet5', taking a deep dive into...

Accreditation 1

The origins of Facet5.

Accreditation 2

The theory of Big 5 and trait based personality.

Accreditation 3

The reliability and validity of the model, norm groups and response analysis.

Accreditation 4

The inter-play between the factors (and sub-factors).

Personality and Perception: How facets of personality can ...

So how does this all relate to Facet5’s capacity to give us ...

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Connecting to…My Career: Facet5’s Career Motivator Profile
Connecting to…My Career: Facet5’s Career Motivator Profile

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Facet5 and The Employee Lifecycle
Facet5 and The Employee Lifecycle

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When I grow up, I want to be…

I’ll never forget the one that came out top of my list. ...

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Utilising Facet5 to unlock Rapid Evolution
Utilising Facet5 to unlock Rapid Evolution

Our latest piece of research tells us that the most ...

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How to embrace your Emotionality
How to embrace your Emotionality

It might be because I’m a Virgo. It might be because I’m a ...

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Facet5 User Groups

Exciting times! I have just been planning our three-part ...

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Personal (ity) Training – how does our personality affect ...
Personal (ity) Training – how does our personality affect ...

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Highlights from our Connect Event
Highlights from our Connect Event

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It takes two…what the Facet5 Spotlight Coaching Affinity ...

If you use Facet5 every day in your workplace, you’ll be ...

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Facet5 and Leadership: What does my profile say about me?
Facet5 and Leadership: What does my profile say about me?

One of the most common uses of the Facet5 profile is in ...

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Affection: Are you a 'push' manager or a 'pull' manager?
Affection: Are you a 'push' manager or a 'pull' manager?

The notion of management style has come up many times ...

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Our courses

The following Facet5 accreditation dates are available in 2024:

6th & 7th February 

23rd & 24th April 

4th & 5th June

17th & 18th September 

3rd & 4th December

Price: £1850 + VAT*

We also run a one day train-the-trainer course to enable Facet5 accredited users to run their own TeamScape workshop. The dates for 2024 are:

8th February

25th April

6th June

19th September

5th December

Price: £655 + VAT*

* We can offer a discounted bundle of £2075 + VAT when you book the Facet5 accreditation and TeamScape course together.


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