Coaching is primarily about change
Our coaching programmes provide results-focused interventions which help coachees plan, lead and implement successful change and performance improvement. We coach leaders to become more personally effective, and also to enable them to lead their people to achieve the significant agendas their organisations need.
For developing your in-house coaching capability, we are able to offer Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) qualifications at Level 3 or Level 5. As with any accreditation that material to be covered is specified by the ILM, however it is imperative the material is relevant to your organisation too. t-three have real proven expertise in designing accreditation programmes that fit both criteria: specific to the ILM curriculum and tailored to business and individual needs.
A typical coaching programme would include:

Chemistry session between the coachee and two potential coaches, to find the best fit.

Diagnostic assessment (Facet5) and Truth Teller (if appropriate).

Objective setting session, using data from the diagnostic assessments.

Four coaching sessions.

Final coaching session with agreement to an ongoing development plan and evaluation.